I&B Bride: April

Are you ready for a little midweek romance, I&B Babes? If I&B Bride April’s getting ready photos aren’t swoon-worthy enough for ya, stick around… there’s a little four legged surprise in here for you, too. 

April came to Ivory & Beau searching for the perfect gown for her Jacksonville, FL wedding, and when she found the Ella-Belle gown by Ti Adora, it was like a match made in heaven. This lacy little number was just perfect, if we do say so ourselves… even her pup, Elroy agrees!

It doesn’t matter how many first looks we’ve seen. Each one is just as emotional and tender as the one before, and our hearts are just singing to see how happy April looks with her now-hubby Drew. Aren’t these two tatted sweethearts one of the most stylish couples you’ve ever seen? 

Uh, hello gorgeous. Did you peep the drapery on that arch? A Pinterest-worthy moment if we’ve ever seen one! April’s gown was a perfect compliment to the moody and romantic atmosphere of her ceremony. Hang on, y’all…  we’d only just gotten ourselves together after seeing the pics from the first look, but now the tears are flowing again!

Is it just us, or is Elroy smiling in all of his pictures, too? Portraits are always better when they include your pets. That’s a scientific fact. There’s no arguing it. 

Congratulations to I&B Bride April and her new husband Drew (and Elroy, too)! The I&B team is so happy for you guys!!! 

(PS: Do you want to read more about April's wedding day? Get a personal look at her love story here!)

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