Meet Michele at Body Oasis

If you follow is on Instagram & Snapchat you have probably seen us working out lately! We have teamed up with Michelle at Body Oasis to get our bootys beach ready! Her workouts are incredible, challenging, but so much fun! Seriously, I don't like working out (Adrienna here, Nicole loves working out haha!) but she makes it fun and is the best motivator. I already feel stronger, and leaner, and can't wait to see what amazing results we get! This is such a great way for brides to get tone before their big day, and feel amazing about themselves! Plus she can meet you anywhere, from your home to Forsyth park (where we meet up twice a week, 730AM!) I love the park atmosphere, the weather is always so nice in the morning, and I get to bring my dog Cooper! So Ivory & Beau ladies, meet Michelle!

I've been in the fitness industry for approximately 9 years. Over the years I have seen over 100 clients and with each one I have shared a special connection that has inspired me to keep training ALL who need me.  They need me not only as a trainer but as a friend they can count on.

Each person has a different way to find their motivation. I strive to put myself in that person's shoes to dig down and find out how to retrieve that motivation to reach their fitness goals. It hasn't been easy but with each person I learn something new, something that I can take with me to the next client.

I've been to them all, the "globo-gym" atmosphere, the studios, and even owned a studio myself. I've enjoyed seeing the different dynamics at each one and have been able to find my niche in training others. What I seem to have lacked was a way to get to everyone, I know I'm not superwoman but damned if I'm not trying!

I found that in people's lives it's sometimes impossible to find the time to get out of their work, their houses, their family responsibilities and that's when I had my epiphany. Why not become a "traveling trainer"? I had been brainstorming this idea for awhile and had so many doubts along the way. "Would people like this kind of training, will people be open to this"? The answer to many of these questions was "Yes". I have started my business here in Georgia and couldn't be happier with the turn out.

It's hard enough for people to make time to go to the gym, so why don't I come to them? I've trained at Forsyth Park, people's homes, and even people's work environments. It's been an amazing experience and I truly feel as though I am doing something special here. I enjoy helping others feel motivated to crush their fitness goals while still being a full time spouse, parent, and/or employee.

No need to pay a crazy gym membership fee in addition to having a trainer, pay one rate and have me come to YOU! I honestly love going from place to place as I find myself getting bored of one location as do some clients. It's fun coming up with different "rigs" to put my TRX bands on and it's awesome being outside. As soon as I leave you go on with your daily routine, don't worry about getting back into your car and going back home or to work.

REMEMBER, your Fitness Consultation is FREE!

Let's chat about the changes you want to see in YOURSELF. To be the best spouse, parent, and/or employee you can be you have to make YOURSELF your FIRST priority!!

Can I get an Amen? 

Body Oasis, LLC
Michelle Riley (Owner & Fitness Expert)

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