TIPS: Father Daughter First Look

Well, I was having a moment and was tearing up and starting to cry a few moments ago and was completely finished with this super sentimental and sweetly written blog post about father daughter first looks but then my computer decided to crash and a circuit blew... Just my luck. But that's okay because now I'm back at it. So, let's start from scratch. Who here is a daddy's girl? *Blushes and raises hand.* Yup, I am extremely close to my dad, regardless of how crazy we drive each other, he is one of the most important people in my life and is such an amazing support system, role model and cheerleader. That being said, I absolutely adore father daughter first looks. The pictures that come out of them are always so sweet and precious and most definitely always make me tear up. I just think they provide your dad with such a special gift, to just have those few moments with you before the wedding day. 

This picture. Oh my goodness gracious, this picture just made me cry all over again. Sarah is one of our very close friends and we helped with planning her wedding, her dress, everything and oh my goodness her dad is the most amazing ever. He officiated their wedding and I seriously cried through the entire thing. And this picture, oh just cue the water works. Adrienna even walked over and goes what in the world is happening!?!?!

Just my luck a bride is in the shop while I'm writing this and her dad is the sweetest ever and I am overhearing him talk to his daughter so sweetly and kindly and then she says yes to the dress and I'm just trying to mind my own business but am over here just trying to subtly wipe away the tears from my eyes!!!! Ahhhh, it's just going to be one of those teary days. 

But seriously, have these pictures convinced you yet that a father daughter look is necessary?!

I just, aww, just can't even. The sweetest, the best, I just love all these moments captured so beautifully. So special and so sweet, I just soak it all up. Dads are the best in the entire world. x, nicole

{Photo Credits} Hillary & Dad: Izzy Hudgins Photography // Rachel & Dad: Christina Karst // Sonny & Dad: Finnegan Photography // Chelsea & Dad: Rach Loves Troy // Alex & Dad: Nichole Barrali // Maeghan & Dad: Mary Claire 

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