Meet the Ivory & Beau Team: Abigale Littles

An Ivory & Beau bride herself, Abigale recently joined our team and we couldn’t imagine it without her! Abigale is a lead wedding coordinator and loves making wedding day wishes come true much like her own! Since she is one of the newest members of the I&B team, we figured it was only right to get to know her a little better I&B style!

  1. Favorite day of 2019 so far?

    My wedding day!

  2. Favorite guilty pleasure TV show?

    Friday Night Lights OR Live PD

  3. Best gift you’ve ever received?

    My wedding ring

  4. Major in college?

    Business + Wedding Planning

  5. Favorite place to eat in Savannah?

    Tequila’s Town

  6. Favorite cuisine?


  7. Favorite ice cream flavor?

    Mint chocolate chip

  8. Favorite animal?

    Dog or dolphin

  9. First pet’s name and type?

    Jenny Bug Chocolate lab

  10. Favorite memory at Ivory & Beau thus far?

    My first wedding

  11. Very first celebrity crush?

    Zac Effron

  12. Favorite childhood TV show?

    Hannah Montana

  13. Favorite month of the year?


  14. Concert/artist you wish you could see live?

    Blake Shelton

  15. Biggest fear?


Check out Abigale’s YouTube video for more detailed responses!

Nicole Mason