How Did You Pick Your Engagement Ring?

Hey guys! We love getting input from our Ivory & Beau followers. Therefore, I have a question for you: how did you pick your engagement ring?!

We were at the #iandbwhitewarehouse today and chatting about the rings we liked/wanted to be proposed to with. I, being the very extra person I am, decided I want an emerald as the main stone in my future ring (sending BIG hints to the boyfriend LOL). As always, I hit the internet and Googled the 2019 engagement ring trends. I found a few I liked but nothing really screamed “PICK ME! PICK ME!”

*Some of my favorites:

Surprisingly enough, I learned that there are apps I could get on my phone to interactively “try on” rings! And it was SO easy! The app I enjoyed the most was called “BEAUMADE". I just took a picture of my hand and went through the designers on the app and tried on the virtual images of the engagement rings. We had SO much fun doing this and I surprisingly found several styles that looked pretty on my hand that I would have never considered before! [[ see pictures below ]]

So my questions for all of our lovely followers is: how did you pick your ring? or did you not have any input at all? and why did you pick the ring you chose?

Looking forward to hearing from you all :)


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