Guest Post: The ULTIMATE Checklist for Grooms

This week's guest to you is brought to you by Caroline Bird. Caroline is a writer with years of experience in business administration. She enjoys meeting new people and reading more books to get inspired for her own book. To see more, follow Caroline on Twitter @BCarolinebird12.

After a groom-to-be pops the big question to the love of his life, the big wedding day approaches quickly. And while the bride-to-be organically assumes a lot of responsibility for the planning of the wedding day, groom preparation for the wedding is equally important. And, trust me, the bride will thank the groom for his hard and preparation later after he makes and completes his groom checklist.

One year prior to the wedding:

  • Gathering of men for the big day. To begin, the groom picks his best man and other groomsmen for the big day. Bride and groom need to start by coming up with an agreed upon number so both groomsmen and bridesmaids match in total numbers. This can often be a hard choice to limit down for some grooms, so they need to use their best judgement. After the groomsmen are selected, the groom needs to select ushers for the ceremony. An important tip to keep in mind is there should be roughly one usher for every fifty guests at the wedding.

Around nine months prior to the wedding:

• Preparing a guest list for the wedding. While the groom leads this, it is extremely important for the bride to have input from her side of the family and friends. Once a draft of guests is completed, make sure to have the parents of the bride and groom look the list over for any forgotten relatives, or worse yet, the slob uncle who they want left off the list. 

Booking the entertainment for the evening. With input from the bride, the groom should book the music for the evening, be it a live band or DJ playing music. Any other entertainment in the form of music at the wedding or special performers for the reception should be booked at this time as well.

Six months prior to the wedding: 

Booking transportation for everybody on the big day. This should include transportation for the wedding party, if necessary, on the wedding day. It should also include shuttle, bus or cab services if needed for guests from reception to hotels. 

Blocking hotel rooms should also be done at this time based on the expected number of guests that will be traveling.

Three months from the wedding date:

Selecting menswear for the groomsmen. It is equally important here for the bride to have input as the wedding party needs to match stunningly together. After picking out menswear, the groom should communicate details with his party on where to get sized and how to order their clothes for the wedding day. 

Ordering rings with his bride. Mailing out wedding invites should also be done around three months prior to the wedding.

Two months prior to the wedding:

Paying close attention to personal grooming and hygiene. Keeping hair neatly trimmed, facial hair groomed and even maybe a trip to the dentist are all recommended. 

Ordering gifts for his groomsmen on the wedding day. A customized gift with a personal touch goes a long way to help the groomsmen remember their part in the special day. 

• Picking up the rings that were ordered a month ago.

Two weeks prior to the wedding (but it can vary):

• The groom’s role is to be smart at his bachelor party that the best man is sure to be throwing in his honor. While a fun time can be had by all, the groom needs to make sure he doesn’t do anything dangerous, potentially risking injury.

Week leading up to the wedding:

• Preparing a speech for the reception. During most reception, the groom is expected to speak and thank all of the people that need to be thanked for preparation of the wedding day. The speech should be heartfelt and classy leaving the joking shenanigans to the best man when he speaks. 

• Ensuring that all of the groomsmen are prepared for the day, that all have picked up their clothing and know the exact itinerary for the events leading up to and including the wedding day. 

• Ensuring that payment is coordinated and ready for all that need payment on the wedding day.

With a little preparation and by making a checklist, the groom to be can ensure that all details are handled leading up to their wedding day. On top of ensuring this, groom preparation for wedding will go the extra mile with his bride both on and after their wedding day.

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